Monday, March 12, 2012


Going to a night marked is mind blowing for a Dane. Coming from a small country, where every person have so much space, can in no way prepare you for the feeling of walking he night marked. What we refer to as the personal space, which roughly defined is 30 inch around you, and where other people rarely enter, is totally violated when walking the night marked. Most Asian cities have them and you can arrive at 8 in the evening, but the crowd really build up after 10.
You have 3 Chinese in front of you, 2 at each side and 3 behind you, and they are all so close. The small shops are shoulder by shoulder and the air is thick of a thousand senses. Everything is for sale at half price, and if you enjoy bargaining, you came to the right place. In Taiwan I recommend buying shoes.

The most important feature is, that you can stop at any point, and buy hundreds of dishes. All will look strange to you, and I bet you will not find anything, that you know. My best advice to you is to let go of the control, let yourself be taken where the crowd lead you. Drift along and enjoy. Whenever you have room for a small bite, stop and grab what you prefer. There are places to sit and eat, but you can do that some other day. At a night marked you walk and eat, one small dish at the time...

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