Friday, March 9, 2012

Family trip to the temple

Late afternoon Wen's little brother and his family picked us up and took us to the temple. The day was carefully selected, as today was the birthday of the main God of the temple. For this reason the temple was full of people. Everybody was praying and presenting presents for the God. The air was full of incense and many tables were full of presents, even it is still true, that after presenting or giving the present to God, the Chinese people bring the present back home.
At some point it was our turn to pray and we were all given 2 stick of incense to hold while praying and to burn after. On beforehand I had asked if it was ok for me to participate, and this was not a problem. I prayed for my sisters daughter to get well soon, for my daughter to get a life she could enjoy and for my wife to get well also.

I prayed in Danish, and I am not sure this God understands, but I figure if I limited myself to 3 wishes, maybe I had a chance.
After the praying, it was the plan to ask the God if he was wiling to adopt the son of the family. Asking the God a question is very easy and you use to dedicated pieces of wood that you let fall to the ground. Watch the video below.
The pieces of wood are formed as a cup. If both of them land with the Cup up or down, then God say yes, and if one cup is up and one is down, God does not answer, but you can ask again. God cannot say no, which makes this method very useful...

The crowd was too big, so the waiting to ask the question would take forever, so instead we decided to come back and ask some other day. The last part of the visit was burning of paper money. A few min utes later, we were out, and normal living could continue.

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