Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fortune teller

My wife's little brother recently redecorated the childrens rooms of his house. As a natural thing he contacted a fortune teller with special knowledge about Feng Shui. His task is to let  people know, how to decorate the house, in order for the children to have a happy life. 
The fortune teller was not allowed to meet the children, he only saw a picture of them and was told their birthday, and was asked to advice on this very slim knowledge. I am told that the family was very impressed on how precise his analysis was. He was very specific about the nature of each of the kids, how their life was right now, but he also added some warnings about threads in the future.

Rita will be very popular with the boys and for this reason, they are advised not to let her be too intimate with them in an early age. This is no surprise to me, as Rita is indeed a very charming and beautiful girl. The thread on the boy is much more serious, as he is predicted to have 2 wives when he become an adult!!! 

This is a very serious thing, so actions need to be taken, and for this reason we are going to the temple tomorrow. The temple is specific, as it have a God, that we have been advised to ask to adopt the boy. This God will be able to control his wildness, thereby avoid the 2 wives thing. Nobody can doubt his wildness, me included, but maybe this is normal when you are 2?

I do not know, I am not a fortune teller, but I do know, that I find this extra element in their life very nice, not strange and crazy, as I know some would, just nice and I envy them. I told this to my brother in law when I was invited to participate.

In their religion the can ask a question and receive a definite answer and specific instruction on how to behave and proceed. In our church, to often, the answer is vague and not specific at all - something open for interpretation and personal taste.

I congratulated my brother in law with his children, they are wonderful and I called his job to control his son wildness for his "Mission Impossible 4" and luckily his English is good enough to understand and laugh with me.


  1. Har den gud plads til flere gud sønner og døtre - kender også nogele unger med en vis vildskab i sig, men måske er de blevet for gamle til at blive indskrevet? Jeg er så betaget af disse ritualer som er så lavpraktiske og handlings anvisende ... ku godt bruge lidt anvisninger i ny og næ!

    1. Jeg tror han har rigelig med plads, og det er vel aldrig for sent? Du kan glæde dig til på fredag og lørdag, hvor der vil komme mere fra disse mange ture til templer og om disse simple regler, som jeg osse er helt vild med. Tænk at det kan være så nemt og ligetil at være religiøs! Tænk at det ikke behøver være en svær kryds og tværs, når alt man mangler er et svar og en retning...

  2. Very interesting ....

    but I have to correct you ....

    2 wives for a man is VERY ILLEGAL in Taiwan....

    Bigamists are quilty , and in my opinion as a wife ,they should go to hell!!!

    1. could not agree more - they should go to hell!

    2. Let us all hope that JoJo stay on earth then...
